Director General of Police, Jammu and Kashmir, has sanctioned a cash reward of Rs. 2,50,500/- for the Baramulla Police’s outstanding performance in anti-drugs actions and for taking action against properties of terror handlers based in Pakistan.
On behalf of DGP JK Shri R R Swain IPS, SSP Baramulla felicitated the officers and officials of Baramulla Police at DPHQ Baramulla for their exceptional work . This recognition highlights the dedication and tireless efforts of Baramulla Police in combating drug menace and terrorism.
The cash reward is a testament to the department’s commitment to recognizing and rewarding excellence in service. The Baramulla Police’s efforts have made a significant impact on the drug menace in the district, which is being widely acknowledged by the general public.
This achievement will further motivate the personnel to continue their exceptional work in serving the community.