Srinagar : In a startling statement, Umer Jaan, the Provisional Secretary of the Jammu and Kashmir Apni Party, expressed his belief that the National Conference (NC) and the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) have unfortunately led the people of Jammu and Kashmir towards a path that only leads to graveyards.
During an interview, Apni Party leader took a critical stance towards the National Conference, stating that they bear responsibility for creating a climate of fear among the people, who continue to live in apprehension due to the presence of the Public Safety Act (PSA).
He also attributed responsibility to both the PDP and NC for causing harm to the innocent children of Jammu and Kashmir by subjecting them to pellet injuries, making them victims.
He mentioned that ever since the establishment of the Apni Party on 8th March 2020, under the leadership of Altaf Bukhari, the region has experienced a significant improvement in terms of peace, happiness, absence of stone pelting incidents, and the cessation of hartals.
He stated that with each passing day, the Apni Party’s platform is growing stronger, as more and more individuals, particularly the youth, are coming together to work towards a prosperous and promising future.