Lolab : In celebration of Independence Day, the Police Sub-Division, Lolab organized a Tiranga Rally, demonstrating patriotism and unity among the residents. The rally was led by DySP PC Lolab, Rayees Ahmad Mir, JKPS, along with SHO PS Sogam, SHO PS Lalpora, and other police officers from the sub-division.
The event saw enthusiastic participation from a large number of people across the sub-division, who joined in to honour the national flag and pay tribute to the martyrs who have laid down their lives for the nation. The rally displayed the national colors, symbolizing the spirit of freedom and the respect for those who have sacrificed for the country’s independence.
Starting from the Police Station Sogam, the rally proceeded through various parts of Lolab, with participants carrying the national flag and chanting slogans of patriotism.
DySP Rayees Ahmad expressed gratitude towards the general public for their active involvement and highlighted the importance of remembering the sacrifices made by the martyrs.