In a continuation of his grassroots engagement, Usman Majid, a prominent political leader and former minister, visited Shahgund in Bandipora to interact with his workers. The visit aimed to strengthen connections at the local level and discuss strategies for the upcoming political challenges.
During his visit, Usman Majid engaged in detailed discussions with the workers, addressing their concerns and outlining the future course of action. He emphasized the importance of remaining united and proactive as the region gears up for potential electoral battles.
Speaking to the media on the sidelines of the event, Usman Majid made a strong appeal to the Election Commission of India (ECI) to conduct elections in Jammu and Kashmir at the earliest. He stated, “It is imperative that the democratic process is restored in Jammu and Kashmir without further delay. The people have been waiting for their right to vote and have their voices heard. Holding elections is not just a constitutional requirement but a necessity for the political and social stability of Jammu and Kashmir.”
Regarding the recent visit of the Chief Election Commissioner to Jammu and Kashmir, Majid expressed his concerns. He remarked, “While the visit of the Chief Election Commissioner to J&K was a welcome step, I remain doubtful about whether the elections will be held anytime soon. The people of Jammu and Kashmir deserve clarity and assurance on this matter. It is crucial that the ECI moves beyond assessments and takes concrete steps towards announcing the election dates.”
The event concluded with a renewed commitment from the workers to continue their efforts in mobilizing support and ensuring that the Cadre remains strong and ready for any political developments.